2023年4月入学用グローバルガバナンスと持続可能な開発プログラム募集要項について/Application guideline for G2SD(April 2023 Admission)
The application guideline for the Graduate Program in Global Governance and Sustainable Development(G2SD), The Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, for admission in April 2023 has been released. Applicants are requested to download it from the following link.
博士課程前期2年の課程(修士)Master’s Program
・Application for Master’s Program (2-year course) For April 2023 Admission
博士課程後期3年の課程(博士)Doctoral Program
・Application for Doctoral Program (3-year course) For April 2023 Admission
願書・写真票ダウンロード Application Form
Application Form(Master’s Program/Doctoral Program)
Photograph (Master’s Program/Doctoral Program)
よくある質問 FAQ
FAQ (Master’s Program/Doctoral Program) (as of December 18,2020)