ゴダール・クリントン “Nichirenism, Utopianism, and Modernity: Rethinking Ishiwara Kanji’s East-Asia League Movement”(日蓮主義、ユートピア、近代――石原莞爾の東亜連盟運動・再考、Japanese Journal for Religious Studies, 42/2, 2015年)
ゴダール・クリントン “Future War and Future Peace after 1919: Ishiwara Kanji and the Imperial Japanese Army in the Wake of World War I,”(将来の戦争・未来の平和――石原莞爾と第一次戦争期の陸軍、 in Tosh Minohara and Evan Dawley, eds., Beyond Versailles: Reverberations of the “1919 Moment” in Asia, London: Lexington Books, 2020)
“The Dragon King’s Daughters: Women in the East-Asia League Movement (1939-1951),” European Association of Asian Studies, 25-28 August, 2021
“Lotus of Steel: Nichirenism in the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy,” Keynote speech, International Symposium on Japanese Studies, Thammasat University, Bangkok, February 2020.
“Religious Receptions of Darwinism in Modern Japan,” keynote speech at the Second East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (EASSR), July 27-28, 2019, Hokkaido University, Japan
“Aspiring to Singularity: Nichirenist hopes for the Unification of Space, Gender, and Mind,” panel Rising Lotus: Rethinking Nichirenism in Twentieth Century Japan and East-Asia, AAS-in- Asia, Bangkok. July 2019