Project Title Principal Investigator Grant Type Grant Period Grant Amount URL
Current situation of extracurricular English learning support at universities in Hong Kong and Thailand, and its application to EFL education at Japanese universities Eto Hiroyuki JSPS Kakenhi Grant #21K00753 2021-2024 1,560,000 yen
Survey of English Academic Writing Education in English-Speaking and ESL Countries and Its Application in Japan Eto Hiroyuki JSPS Kakenhi Grant #16K13254 2016-2019 2,080,000 yen
Development of an English education program and teacher guidance program for the establishment of an international course at Seifu Gakuen Junior and Senior High Schools in Osaka Eto Hiroyuki Seifu Gakuen Special Grant 2018-2024 7,200,000 yen
Survey of distinctive English language education systems in non- and quasi-English speaking countries in East Asia and research on the development of English language learning support systems Eto Hiroyuki Project for the Promotion of Higher Education: Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University 2016-2018 1,800,000 yen  
The Neural Basis of Second Language Acquisition through Interaction with Others: Commonalities and Specificities of Oral and Written Language Acquisition Hyeonjeong Jeong JSPS Kakenhi Grant #22H00674 2022-2025 16,900,000 yen
Neural Mechanisms of Emotional Processing in Foreign Languages Hyeonjeong Jeong JSPS Kakenhi Grant #22K18464 2022-2025 6,240,000 yen
A neurocognitive investigation of lexical processing in bilinguals: A cross-linguistic perspective Hyeonjeong Jeong JSPS Joint Research Program with NRF 2021-2024 2,400,000 yen
Exploring the neuro-cognitive demands of writing in a foreign language in crisis situations Hyeonjeong Jeong Tohoku-UCL Matching Fund 2023-2024 700,000 yen*g9wq3u*_gcl_au*NTc3NzMyMDQ1LjE2ODMxMzEwMDE.&lang=en
Fostering affect and social cognition through foreign language learning: A social-cognitive neuroscience perspective Hyeonjeong Jeong JSPS Kakenhi Grant #18K00776 2018-2023 4,290,000 yen
Neural correlates of implicit and explicit linguistic knowledge of second language learner and individual differences Hyeonjeong Jeong JSPS Kakenhi Grant #15K02745 2015-2019 4,160,000 yen
Development of a multilingual dictionary of Japanese linguistics terminology and a glossing standard for Japonic languages Matthew Zisk JSPS Kakenhi Grant #19H01265 2019-2023 17,290,000 yen
Reevaluation of the role of kanbun kundoku in the formation of the Japanese language from a contact/cross-linguistic perspective Matthew Zisk JSPS Kakenhi Grant #16K20923 2016-2019 3,900,000 yen
Elaboration of the labeling theory: through sluicing in Chinese Daiko Takahashi JSPS Kakenhi Grant #21K00519 2021-2024 4,030,000 yen
Reconsiderations of economy conditions in language Daiko Takahashi JSPS Kakenhi Grant #18K00520 2018-2021 1,950,000 yen
A Study of the Person Case Constraint Effects in Japanese Daiko Takahashi JSPS Kakenhi Grant #15K02467 2015-2018 2,210,000 yen
Visual word recognition of Japanese-English bilinguals: Investigation of L2 orthographic processing system and representations Mariko Nakayama JSPS Kakenhi Grant #15K04194 2015-2020 4,680,000 yen
An Analysis of L2 Orthographical Representations in Japanese-English Bilinguals Mariko Nakayama JSPS Kakenhi Grant #19K14468 2019-2023 4,030,000 yen
Universal constraints in code switching in Japanese/Chinese bilingual children Takeshi Nakamoto JSPS Kakenhi Grant #17K02670 2017-2023 4,550,000 yen
A Typological Study of Impersonal Constructions Wataru Nakamura JSPS Kakenhi Grant #21K00518 2021-2025 3,510,000 yen
A Crosslinguistic Study of Strong and Clitic Pronouns in Indo-European Languages Wataru Nakamura JSPS Kakenhi Grant #17K02672 2017-2020 3,510,000 yen
Exploring the validity of productive vocabulary tests for second language learners Takumi Uchihara JSPS Kakenhi Grant #22K13168 2022-2025 4,420,000 yen
Second Language Spoken Vocabulary Acquisition and Individual Differences: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Studies Takumi Uchihara JSPS Kakenhi Grant #21K19995 2021-2023 2,600,000 yen