| English | Japanese |

1. Training Details
The Speech and Language (Phonetics) Engineering Laboratory provides opportunities to intensively study the following subjects through tutorials and lectures during the training period of up to three months:
[1] Generative mechanism of voices and phonemes
[2] Differences between spoken and written languages
[3] Framework for mechanical processing of spoken languages
[4] Digital signal processing
[5] Statistical phonological models
[6] Statistical language models
[7] Speech understanding and synthesis
[8] Voice interaction processing
The maximum number of trainees to be accepted is approximately three, and the time of commencement and period will be decided upon consultation with the lab supervisor.

2. Staff Profiles
Akinori Ito, Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Communication
Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Doctor of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan
Discipline: Spoken language information processing

3. Contact
Speech and Language Engineering Laboratory iDirector / Head: Associate Professor Itoj
TEL: 022-217-7084