Postdoctral Researcher position (Linguistic Science) available for the academic year of 2005



東北大学の21世紀COEプログラム「言語・認知総合科学戦略研究教育拠点」では、下記の要領で研究員を公募します。ふるってご応募下 さい。日本語または英語による応募を受け付けます。本プログラムの詳細については、ウェブページをご覧下さい(http://www.lbc21.jp)。


【部署名 】

【勤務地 】






1名 (国籍は問わない)



・英語による言語学、言語科学関連の国際学会発表、英文学術誌論文の 指導ができる能力があること


(3)主要論文別刷 3編以内(複写可)


*応募書類は原則的に返却いたしませんが、返却を希望する場合は、その旨を明記して、切手を貼った返送封筒を 同封ください。


<応募書類送付先>   〒980-8576 仙台市青葉区川内41
<問い合わせ先> (研究・業務、勤務の内容)堀江教授(khorie@mail.tains.tohoku.ac.jp)


Postdoc position (Linguistic Science) available for the academic year of 2005

(Tohoku University 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program in Humanities, Strategic Research Center for an Integrated Approach to Language, Brain, and Cognition)

*Please check our URL (http://www.lbc21.jp/index_e.html) for a brief introduction to our program's research and educational activities. For further inquiries, please refer to the column 'contact e-mail addresses' below. We accept both applications in Japanese or English.

【Organization】 Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
【Department)】 Tohoku University 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program in Humanities, Strategic Research Center for an ntegrated Approach to Language, Brain, and Cognition
【Workplace】 Tohoku University, Kawauchi-kita campus
【Job】 COE Postdoctoral Researcher
【Working conditions】 40 hours per week (subject to the work-related regulations related to Tohoku University non-tenured associate employees)
【Starting date】 April 1, 2005 (or as early as possible after April 1, 2005) (negotiable)
【Period of appointment】 Up to March 30, 2006 (but can be renewed up to March 2007 based on one's annual evaluation)
【Number of positions available】 One postdoctoral position (any nationality)
【Salary, insurance and benefits】 Salary, social insurance, commutation allowance, house allowance (for those who may be eligible) (subject to the Tohoku University non-tenured associate employee regulations)
【Qualifications】 ・ An applicant needs to have his/her Ph.D. in hand by the starting date.
・ An applicant needs to have done research in Linguisic Science including Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Typology.
・ An applicant needs to be able to supervise and advise graduate students in terms of their academic writing and conference presentations conducted in English in the field of Linguistic Science (including Linguistics).
  ・An applicant needs to have sufficient proficiency in oral and written Japanese (if s/he is not a native speaker of Japanese).
・It is desirable for an applicant to be currently living in Japan as we
will conduct a campus interview.
【Deadline】 March 3, 2005 (Thursday) (postmarked)
【Application documents】 (1) Curriculum Vitae (with your educational and professional background info. Please be sure to include your current mailing, e-mail addresses and phone number)
(2) A list of your publications and conference presentations
(3) Offprints/photocopies of your major publications (up to 3 items)
(4) A document certifying your doctoral degree (e.g. university's
official transcripts)
(5) A document certifying your proficiency in English language (if you are not a native speaker of English), e.g. certificate of the 1st grade STEP (eigo kentei siken), a recent score of TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.
(6) A brief statement of your research including your doctoral     dissertation (approximately 800-1000 words)
(7) Two of your references' names and their contact mailing, e-mail addresses and phone numbers

*Please send your application documents by registered mail to the
following address, with 'Postdoc position application documents enclosed' written in red on the envelope cover.

*We will not return your application documents (unless you enclose a return envelope with your address written and postal stamps pasted).

【Selection procedure】 An interview will be held after the initial selection based on application documents.
【Notification】 Notification will be done individually after the final selection is made.
<Send application documents to:> The Tohoku University 21st Century COE Program in Humanities,
Graduate School of International Cultural Studies
Tohoku University, 41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai
980-8576 Japan
<Contact e-mail addresses>

For further inquiries, please contact the following e-mail addresses
(no phone inquiries, thank you):

Professor Horie (khorie@mail.tains.tohoku.ac.jp): for inquiries on
research and other related duties.

COE Office (lbc-office@mail.tains.tohoku.ac.jp): for inquiries on working