The Tohoku University 21st Century COE Program in Language, Brain and Cognition
The Tokyo University 21st Century COE Program in Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences

東京大学21世紀COEプログラム「心とことば - 進化認知科学的展開」

The 5th Symposium on Language, Brain and Cognition
5回  「言語・脳・認知」シンポジウム

Workshop on Dynamic Syntax:
What can the study of head-final languages contribute to the theory?

INVITED SPEAKER: Ruth Kempson (King’s College London)

DATE: 9:30am-6:00pm, Friday, 6 October 2006
VENUE: Collaboration Room 1, 4th Floor, Building 18, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
Tokyo University (Komaba Campus)

(Map/Access: Komaba Campus, Building 18) (Send inquiries here)
日時: 2006 年 10 月 6 日(金)9:00-18:00、

地図・アクセス → 駒場キャンパス18号館
) (問い合わせ先)

The Program is here.

Language: English 使用言語:英語
Admission free 入場無料・来聴歓迎

Dynamic Syntax is a grammar formalism based on a modal logic of finite trees which attempts to ccount for typologically diverse linguistic data by incrementally building up partial trees in a way that reflects on-line processing.  This workshop aims at setting the stage for intensive discussions on application of the theory to linguistic data from Japanese and Korean, two archetypal head-final languages which have been challenging the formal frameworks established on the basis of Western languages.  The topics discussed at the conference will include the influence which studies of Japanese and Korean may have on the development of Dynamic Syntax.  The workshop comprises paper presentations concerning grammar, neuro-cognitive sentence processing models, and their computational implementation, as well as a lecture by the founder of the theory, Ruth Kempson, which is followed by a free discussion.  We welcome the participation of an audience with broad interests.

Ruth Kempson (King’s College London)
Jieun Kiaer (King’s College London)
Masahiro Kobayashi (Tottori University)
Yoshiki Mori (Tsukuba University)
Hiroaki Nakamura (Japan Coast Guard Academy)
Ken-ichiro Shirai (Chukyo University)
Kei Yoshimoto (Tohoku University)


  問い合わせ 先 Send Inquiries to:
Secretariat, COE Program in Humanities, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8576 Japan
Tel: 022-795-7550, Fax: 022-795-7850, E-mail:,