
計算機科学と脳科学から見た自然言語: 統合的視野を求めて

The 5th International Forum on Language, Brain and Cognition
Natural Language in Computer and Brain Sciences: Toward a Unifid View

開催日: 20051028, 29
場所: ホテル仙台プラザ(仙台市青葉区)(地図/アクセス)
: 英語 プログラムはこちら





近年の計算機科学と脳科学分野それぞれにおける革新的な進展によって、自然言語処理や言語の脳科学が大きな影響を受けている今日です。このような状況の中で、今般、フォーラムのテーマを「計算機科学と脳科学から見た自然言語: 統合的視野を求めて」と設定し、日独における第一線の研究者がそれぞれの研究テーマについて講演いたします。これによって、関係研究分野の進展の影響により急激に変貌しつつある言語研究の将来像についての考察を深める機会としたいと考えます。

吉本高志 総長 (東北大学)

Matthew Crocker 教授、ザールラント大学計算言語学科、言語心理学) [発表要旨]
森悦朗 教授(東北大学医学系研究科、高次脳機能傷害学) [発表要旨]
Manfred Pinkal 教授(ザールラント大学計算言語学科、計算言語学) [発表要旨]
辻井潤一 教授(東京大学情報理工学系研究科、自然言語処理) [発表要旨]
Shravan Vasishth 教授(ポツダム大学言語学科、形式統語論、神経言語学) [発表要旨]




DAY 1: Friday, 28 October


9:00-9:30           Registration

9:30-9:35           Opening Remarks

Kaoru Horie (COE Program, Tohoku University)

9:35-9:45           Welcome Address

Takashi Yoshimoto (President, Tohoku University)

Session 1 (9:45-11:15)  Chair: Shinji Ido

9:45-10:15         “A Skolem Term Analysis of Internally Headed Relative Clause in Japanese”

Rui Otake (Tohoku University)

10:15-10:45       “A New Lyrics Recognition Method Based on Finite State Automaton for Music Information Retrieval”

Motoyuki Suzuki, Toru Hosoya, Akinori Ito and Shozo Makino (Tohoku University)

10:45-11:15       “Dynamic Interpretation of Possible Worlds”

Daisuke Bekki (University of Tokyo)

11:15-11:30       Break

Session 2 (11:30-12:30)  Chair: Daiko Takahashi

11:30-12:00       “Linear Order Constraints on Japanese Floating Quantifier Construals”

Masahiro Kobayashi (Tottori University)

12:00-12:30       “An Analysis of Differences in Japanese Existential Expressions as Revealed by Event-Related Brain Potentials”

Koutarou Nomura, Tsutomu Fujinami (JAIST), and Masanori Higuchi, Natsuko Hatsusaka (Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

 12:30-13:50       LUNCH Break

 Invited Lecture 1  Chair: Masatoshi Koizumi

13:50-15:00       “Sentence Processing as Skilled Memory Retrieval: A Computational Model

Shravan Vasishth (University of Potsdam)

 15:00-15:30       COFFEE Break

Invited Lecture 2  Chair: Kyoko Suzuki

15:30-17:00       “Semantic Breakdown in Dementia: A Clue to Semantics in the Brain

Etsuro Mori (Tohoku University)


DAY 2: Saturday, 29 October

 9:00-9:30           Registration

Session 3 ( 9:30-11:00)  Chair: Motoaki Sugiura

9:30-10:00         “Cortical Representation during Processing of Passive Sentences in L1 and L2: An fMRI Study”

Satoru Yokoyama (Tohoku University)

10:00-10:30       “A Memory-based Account of Some Linear Order Effects in English”

Kei Takahashi (University of Tokyo) and Kiyoshi Ishikawa (Hosei University)

10:30-11:00       “What Can Be Observed from Functional Neuroimaging?”

Jorge Javier Riera Diaz (Tohoku University)

 11:00-11:10       Break

 Invited Lecture 3  Chair: Kaoru Horie

11:10-12:40       “The Coordinated Interplay of Scene and Utterance in Real-Time Comprehension"

Matthew Crocker (University of Saarland)

 12:40-13:50       LUNCH Break

 Invited Lecture 4  Chair: Kei Yoshimoto

13:50-15:20       “Frame-based Lexical Semantic Resources for Information Access

Manfred Pinkal (University of Saarland) 

15:20-15:50       COFFEE Break

Invited Lecture 5  Chair: Akinori Ito

15:50-17:20       “How Can the Computational Approach Bridge the Two Disciplines, Brain Science and Linguistics?

Jun'ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo) 

17:20-17:30       Break


17:30-18:15       S. Vasishth, M. Pinkal, M. Crocker, J. Tsujii, and K. Yoshimoto

18:15-18:20       Closing Remarks

Shoichi Iwasaki (COE Program, Tohoku University)















