
The Almuni Association of the Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University

トップ    国際文化研究科HP

同窓生情報登録のお願い / Please register alumni information

*English follows Japanese.
東北大学国際文化研究科 同窓生・修了生の皆様

社会でご活躍されている皆様との繋がりを維持・強化し、研究科から皆様への情報発信を充実したものするため、下記より皆様の連絡先(メールアドレス)等の情報をご提供いただきますようお願い申し上げます。 いただきました情報は、本学および本研究科同窓会関連の連絡や修了生向けの連絡に使用し、その他の用途に用いず、適正に管理することを申し添えます。


上記フォームによる回答が難しい場合は、以下の情報を本メールへの返信にて国際文化研究科教務係宛(int-kkdk@grp.tohoku.ac.jp) にお送りいただいても結構です。
1. お名前
2. 現在の所属先・職名
3. 最終修了年度(和暦、西暦どちらでも。修士修了後博士課程進学の場合は、博士の修了年度)
4. 出身講座
5. メールアドレス
6. その他(ご質問や研究科へのメッセージなど)


江藤 裕之

Dear alumni and graduates of GSICS,

The Graduate School of International Studies celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023.
In order to maintain and strengthen connections with everyone who is active in society and to enhance the information dissemination from the Graduate School to everyone, please provide us with your contact information (email address) and other information.
Please note that the information we receive will be used for communications related to our university and our graduate school alumni association, as well as communications for alumni, and will not be used for any other purpose, and will be managed appropriately.

Alumni information registration form

The information obtained from you will be managed properly and used only for communications between you and us regarding the alumni association and other announcements from us to our graduates. If, for some reason, you find it difficult to answer with the Google Form, you may send the following information via e-mail to the Academic Affairs Office (int-kkdk@grp.tohoku.ac.jp):

1. Your name
2. Your current affiliation and position
3. The year of your graduation (if you graduated from both our MA program and doctoral program, please answer the year when you graduated from the doctoral program)
4. The department at GSICS you belonged to
5. Your current e-mail address with which we can reach you easily
6. We also will welcome any messages and/or questions from you.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


ETO Hiroyuki
Dean and president of the alumni association

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